Thursday 18 December 2014

Ten (10) 'Craziest' Politicians...Victoria Hamah Ranked Alongside Mugabe

Victoria Hammah

Her infamous comment that she wanted to make $1 million before quitting politics has earned Victoria Hamah, the sacked Deputy Minister of Communication, an unenviable description as one of the ‘craziest’ African politicians in a new book published recently in London.

The book titled, "The Fat Boy With The Bomb And 299 More Of The World Craziest Politicians", was authored by Brian O'Connell with pictures by Norm Chung, both based in Oxford, United Kingdom. It was published by Myrmidon with ISBN 9781910183090. The controversial book, published in November, is being sold for £12.99.

The fat boy is in reference to the Supreme Leader of North Korea, Kim Jong- un, who has gained notoriety for human rights abuses, pushing his impoverished country to the brink of war with its neighbours.

Ms. Hamah was ranked alongside top politicians like Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Mbasogo; South Africa's firebrand, Julius Malema and Zim­babwe's octogenarian President Robert Mugabe, as the 10 'craziest' on the continent today.

She is the only Ghanaian featured in the book.

'The Million Dollar Woman'

Of Ms Hamah, the book which subtitled her version as 'The Million Dollar Woman', said "the former Deputy Minister of Communications who wanted to bag $1 million wealth before leaving her job, is now better known as a sex commentator and host of a show called 'Chocolate Factory."

It continued, "Ghanaians reckon she's a beauty, or at least some of them do. One publication calls her a 'Goddess of Beauty. The former deputy minister of communications may be down but not out. She got booted out of government by President John Dramani Mahama when a secretly recorded tape of her emerged in which she said she didn't want to squabble with her boss because she had yet to bag $1 million in her job."

The book said, "The scandal has been dubbed 'Vikileaks' in the local media. The driver of the car in which she was when she made the statement and who secretly recorded her was a cousin of the sacked for­mer deputy communications minister. In November of 2013 the former Ablekuma West parliamentary candidate of the gov­erning National Democratic Congress was sacked."

Radio Interview

Quoting her recent appearance on Starr Fm, the author said Ms Hamah in Septem­ber said on the radio station, "politics has no end; I'm in politics; I'm a politician; I live for that."

According to the book, "She stays prominent in the media for both good and bad reasons. She hosts Real Talk which is broadcast on TV3 and Chocolate Factory which is played on Multi TV. Both some­times addresses salacious sexual issues."

Complicated Love life

“There's also her complicated love life. In September 2014, according to the Daily Guide, Hamah 'stormed the Dansoman Police Station in Accra and reported her boyfriend, Richard Frimpong Dardo, to the police after they had disagreed on an issue about sexual intercourse. Victoria was said to have told the police that Dardo had beat­en her up and stolen (from) her (an) unspec­ified amount of money."

"The paper further reported that Dardo claimed that Hamah wanted him to perform a specific sexual act he wasn't prepared to do and then berated him", adding, "Five days later the police issued a warrant for Dardo's arrest on fraud charges relating to the sale of six kilograms of gold but by that time the late night spat over sex was forgotten and Hamah had a change of heart and stormed the police station demanding his release and proclaiming his innocence."

Other 'Crazy' Leaders

Apart from Presidents Mbasogo, Mugabe and Julius Malema, the former ANC youth leader who left South Africa's ruling party to form Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), the book also captures Eritrea's President Isias Afwerki; Democrat­ic Republic of Congo's President Joseph Kabila, Uganda's President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni as well as Nigeria's President Goodluck Jonathan.

It also highlights the 'deeds' of current governor of Ekiti State in Nigeria, Ayo Fayose, who was described as the man "who personally led a gang of thugs that beat up judges," and Namibia's Epafras Mukwiilongo who is the head of the dread­ed Namibian Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF).

World's 'Crazy' Leaders

The book does not deal with Africa alone. It also captures the world's high pro­file politicians who are 'crazy'.

The top 10 are joined by many other European and especially UK politicians pro­filed in the book including French far-right politicians Jean-Marie Le Pen and Bruno Gollnisch; head of the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage; Scottish First Minister, Alex Salmond; neo-Nazi German Udo Voigt; Hungarian far-right MEP Krisztina Morvai; Italy's Alessandra Mussolini and Latvia's Tatyana Zhdanok as well as other politicians from the Americas, Asia and Australia.

Source: Daily Guide

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