Tuesday 16 December 2014

Kumasi Airport not yet international – Minister

kumasi airport

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Joyce Bawa Mogtari has said that despite the massive expansion works carried out on the Kumasi Airport, it still does not meet international standards.
President Mahama, on Wednesday night, inaugurated the newly refurbished Kumasi Airport.
kumasi airport 2

The facility can now accommodate more  aircrafts both in the day and at night.
The total rehabilitation works which will cost about 29 million dollars was necessitated by the deplorable nature of the run way at the airrport, and the facility’s inability to land flights at night.
So far over 4.9 million dollars have been spent on the first phase of the project.
The airport’s car park which can now take about 500 cars at a time, could previously only accommodate 86 cars.
Also, the airport can now boast of a high-tech aeronautical ground lighting system that supports the night operations.
“So a lot is being done to bring it up the requisite international standard but for now if the black stars or some other team needs to play in Kumasi after 6pm, the plane whatever the size can arrive there safely and then business will be done,” the deputy minister said.
Joyce Bawa, Deputy Transport Minister
Joyce Bawa, Deputy Transport Minister
Speaking on the Citi Breakfast Show on Tuesday, Joyce Bawa explained that in order to attain the international status more work needed to be done on the Airport’s runway “and hopefully that should be completed probably in the shortest possible time. The airport is now well fitted out and prepared to receive larger bodied aircraft.”
“The Terminal building is something we would have to pull down completely and totally reconstructed. Presently Ghana Airport Company is actually designing a new terminal building. We are looking forward to the construction face beginning probably by the first quarter of 2015,” she added.
By: Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/citifmonline.com/Ghana

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