Wednesday 17 December 2014

Chief murdered in Zabzugu


The Chief of Salinkuga, a suburb of Zabzugu in the Northern Region has been murdered by unknown assailants.
According to a family source on grounds of anonymity, the late Naa Sumani Tigu was shot on Tuesday evening at about 8:30 pm .
The cause of the incident is yet to be established.

The source implied that the late Salinkuga Naa was shot twice on the thigh and one of the bullets penetrated through his abdomen.
The source revealed that he died in an ambulance on the way to the Tamale Teaching Hospital (TTH).
Salinkuga, a village which is about eight miles away from Zabzugu Township is calm as security personnel are patrol the area.
The Northern Region has recorded a number of chieftaincy disputes that have left several people dead and others severely injured.
The late chief of Bimbilla, Naa Andani Yakubu was also murdered by some unknown assailants at his residence in June.
 The murder and surrounding developments compelled the Minister of Interior, Mark Woyongo to impose a curfew on the township.
The Overlord of Dagbon, Yaa Naa Yakubu Andani was also murdered in a similar fashion.
By: Abdul Karim Naatogmah/

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