Wednesday 17 December 2014

Flagstaff House exceeds budgetary allocations by 100%

The Office of the President has overspent by about 100% more than its budgetary allocation for 2014 according to its own report to Parliament.

Parliament approved a ceiling of GH¢30,929,343 but according to a report from the Finance Committee of Parliament, the Presidency spent GH¢75,917,714 between January and September only.
This means there was variance of about GH¢44,989,371 during the period.

The office of the Chief of Staff was allocated GH¢7,487,048 but spent GH¢48,811,722 within the period for its activities.

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Finance presented the expenditure returns of the Office of the President to the House on Tuesday.

A member of the committee and MP for Effutu, Alex Afenyo Markin fumed over the overspending at the Presidency, describing it as “gross indiscipline.”

The Policy Coordination and Delivery Unit at the Presidency was allocated GH¢1,367,580 but spent GH¢130,000.

Speaking on Eyewitness News, Afenyo Markin clarified that he has no problem with the Presidency spending to efficiently deliver but it needed seek approval from Parliament before overspending.
The Vice President’s office spent less than it was allocated, spending GHC2,176,899 out of the GHC3,583,000 approved by Parliament.

According to the report, the presidency was allocated GH¢16,570,715 for the General Administration of the office but as at the end of September, GHC23,241,614 had been spent.

The Press Secretariat was allocated GH¢400,000 and spent GHC233,056.

The Cabinet Secretariat also spent GH¢749,376 out of the GHC1,000,000 given to the secretariat for its business for the yea

Source: Citi FM

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