Wednesday 17 December 2014

Corruption in Ghana worse than prostitution -- Sammy Awuku

Corruption under the Mahama-led National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration is gradually gaining roots and if care is not taken will ravage every fabric of society.

This is according to the National Youth Organizer of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Samuel Awuku.
In his view, corruption in Ghana today is “worst than prostitution” because it has been institutionalized under President Mahama.

The NPP youth leader made the comment on Peace FM’s morning show, Kokrokoo while discussing the Ghana Youth Employment and Entrepreneurial Development Agency (GYEEDA) report and the mêlée surround the passage of the Bill in Parliament.

The bill introduced in Parliament last week is expected to be passed this week. But the Minority has raised concerns about it.

They argue that But the Minority document in its present form has failed to address the loopholes that enabled corruption to thrive.

In support, Sammy Awuku said the pressure to on Parliament to pass the Bill is because government wants to use it as a conduit to create, loot and share state resources for its 2016 electioneering campaign.
He indicated that since the Mahama government has performed abysmally, it wants to use GYEEDA money to buy votes.

“Government must make a serious self-examination on the unbridled corruption in the country and repent” he added.

The NPP Youth leader said the new “GYEEDA Bill is to legitimize state looting and buy the conscience of Ghanaians in 2016”.

Sammy Awuku urged the citizenry to hold the feet of President Mahama to the fire and demand answers about the monies lost in the infamous GYEEDA scandal.

“People are being stretched beyond their elastic limit because government wants to satisfy its insatiable quest for power but the 2016 elections will be between the people’s power and stolen money” he stressed.

Source: | Adwoa Gyasiwaa

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