Tuesday 16 December 2014

Metro Mass Transit workers in red over ‘missing’ buses


Workers of the Metro Mass Transit Service in Kumasi are protesting the disappearance of some buses.
Nhyira News investigations reveal a total of twelve buses have been moved out the company’s yard in Kumasi, Tamale and Wa in the Ashanti, Northern and Upper West Regions respectively, under mysterious circumstances. The angry protesters have been wearing red outfits to register their displeasure in demand for answers from management.

Nhyira Fm’s Ohemeng Tawiah has been investigating the matter, and reports, at least two of the buses have been sighted at an auto mechanic workshop in Kumasi. Checks at the Kumasi office reveal four buses were towed away on Saturday and Sunday night in January 2014, following a supposed ‘order from above’.

Buses declared as unserviceable and scrap are auctioned, and the buyer has to dismantle the vehicle at the company’s yard before evacuation. This requires a memo from head office on details of affected buses to the technical department for issuance of a way bill to cover scrap materials after inspection by the inspectorate unit before they are carted away.
Contrary to this arrangement, the buses were towed away at night without any regard to procedures. At least, three of the buses, with fleet numbers 2050, 2072 and 2085 from Wa and Kumasi, have been spotted at private fitting shops.

On Saturday December 13, Nhyira News spotted the bus in MMT colours, with a fleet number 2085 at a private mechanic shop on the Aduman Junction at Kodie on the Kumasi-Offinso Road.

Next day, the colour had changed to silver as welder busily worked on the vehicle at the time of a visit. The Welder, who identified himself only as Richie could not provide the name or telephone number of the owner of the shop he claims to be a brother.

 The taxi driver cum welder in an apparent move to call his supposed brother only returned to tell the team including some Metro Mass Transit officials his brother was not available.

The situation has angered workers of MMT who have been demanding answers from management over the ‘disappearance’ of the buses. The workers have resolved to wear red. They will review their actions after Friday.

Vice Chairman of the Senior Staff Association, David Teye Tekutey explained those buses left MMT yard under ‘strange’ circumstances.

“The incident took place on a weekend whereby most of us were not around. So when we came and we heard the story and find out from our manager in Kumasi here and then he told us that he was directed that the buses should be allowed to go.

On normal circumstances before any item leaves over here, there should be a waybill covering it with the destination, vehicle or particular of item should be carried out but in such cases no record was kept,” Mr Tekutey revealed.

 The two workers union, the Junior and Senior Staff Associations have petitioned the board and the sector minister to investigate the whereabouts of the buses.

Mr. Tekutey believes someone wants to cash in on what he describes as the vulnerability of the company, for personal gain as he appeals to the Transport Minister to act.

Our suspicions are that; we’ve seen some of the buses at advantageous places that they are repairing them to come on the road and we know that those buses could be repaired by Metro Mass. 

So it is as a result of somebody’s plotted ideas to at least come out with another transport company or buy these ones at cheaper prices and go and repair them and bring them on road to compete with us,” Mr. Tekutey alleged.
Source: Ghana | Nhyira FM Ohemeng Tawiah

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