Tuesday 16 December 2014

Examine The Brains Of Joyce Dzidzor - MP

After several years of courting public sympathy as an AIDS Ambassador, Miss Joyce Dzidzor Mensah became the subject of attack after she openly confessed that she has never carried the disease. 

Some members of the public have called on the police to immediately arrest her for deceiving Ghanaians and toying with our emotions. 

But the Member of Parliament for Fanteakwa North, Hon. Asiamah, believes we need to weigh the impact Joyce Dzidzor’s campaign as an AIDS Ambassador brought on society before we attempt harassing her. 

In his personal estimation, Joyce’s campaign on HIV/AIDS had an impact on Ghana and made us embrace those with the disease instead of stigmatizing against them. 

He however stated that instead of calling for her arrest, we could consider examining her brains as some have suggested

Source: peacefmonline.com

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